Thursday, October 4, 2012

The media's impact on everyday life

Nowadays, the media is often used as a way to manipulate information. Advertising greatly impacts how a person feels about a product or image. A great example of this happening was during World War II. Propaganda during that time was used by both the Allies and Axis, even the United States. 

Propaganda in the U.S. , WWII.

This advertisement shows a man carrying a bomb, portraying that he is powerful. This campaign appeals to the viewer because he would want to feel the same way. This encourages them to join the air force. 

British Army Propaganda, WWII.

This british advertisement for the famous Pioneer Corps illustrates a giant boot, stepping on a Nazi symbol, or swastika. The boot is a symbol of the Pioneers, implying that they will step on the Nazi opposition. "Step on it" provides a catchy frase that will also encourage the  viewers to enlist. 

As you can see, media and advertising can be used as a manipulation tool. 

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