Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Opinion Editorial Outline

Topic: Censorship and freedom of speech
Subject: The censorship that cuba places on media
Text Type: Online news editorial
Audience: Middle class, educated, very informed about the media, liberals
Purpose: To inform and convey my opinion
Title: Censorship in Cuba


The digital war on freedom of speech is being fought mainly over the small island of Cuba, in the Caribbean. Cuba is one of the top ten countries that is most censored by their government. Did you know that Cuba as its own Internet, and it consists of a small e-mail website for communication. It is also commonly known that media, such as television, radio, even music is manipulated by their government if they are foreign. The government accuses social networks, blogs and some articles to having a destabilizing influence, and being manipulated by American culture to defy authorities. It is almost unbelievable how Raul Castro, Cuba’s president, keeps the population under his tight wing. 

Supporting Topic #1: Censorship Laws
Supporting Topic #2: Media and communication
Supporting Topic #3: Internationality

Conclusion: Final opinion.

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